
Case Study

Lead Gen- Marketing Services & Business Coaching

That’s how we made USD 103.2K from spending USD 22.4K only in 3 months from Google ads

Amount Spent:







3 Months

Target Location:

USA, Canada, UK, Australia

Marketing Strategy Details

The client offered low ticket Marketing Services like FB Campaign setup and along with it, he offered High Ticket like Business Coaching Services and Masterminds. 

Since they were already on FB for quite years and have built some Brand Authority so it took minimum time for us to get success on Google via Search, YouTube and GDN ads.

The Offer was so strong like “Money Back Guarantee if Don’t Satisfied” that played vital role in getting leads for High ticket Service.

We started with Search and YouTube campaigns for Cold Traffic. It helped us built Audience list massively and then nurture those via Brand Search and GDN Remarketing campaigns.

Tried and tested various Creatives like Images and Videos in Ads. Also, tested multiple hooks and ad copies and continued with the Winning set.

Results are as below:

Amount Spent: $22,496.15

Revenue: $125,688.08

ROAS: 5.59

Duration: 3 months

Screenshot of the Performance Data